Cimientos 2020
A curation of 10 national and cross-continental contemporary writers.
HASHTAG: #Cimientos2020
Dates: June 14 - 20, 2020
Language: English & Spanish
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to COVID-19, the public presentation of Cimientos 2020 will be streamed live on Facebook and Youtube using Zoom. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Youtube.
Cimientos is a play development program that has given hundreds of playwrights the foundations to explore their vanguardia through developmental workshop-panels and staged readings. This program is part of IATI Theater's commitment to fuel the genesis of theater: the playwright.
The selected texts showcase an eclectic array of dramaturgy that spans several themes and styles, that are all unique in bending traditional playwriting conventions.
To follow the live streaming of each play, just visit our Facebook page on the date of the event. We will try to accommodate questions and feedback from the audience on Facebook.