“Sangre Sangre Sangre Sangre Sangre Sangre Sangre Sangre Sangre y ma’ sangre primo.”
Written by Nicolás Bascuñán
Directed by Braulio Basilio
Date: Friday, June 10, 2022, 6:00 PM EST
Language: Spanish
Hashtag: #Cimientos2022
Location: IATI Theater (64 E. 4th St., NYC 10003)
Website: Facebook Page
A sheep is born in Wall Mapu, ancestral territory of the Mapuche (People of the Earth) people, right on the day of Wiñol Tripantu (Return of the Sun), winter solstice in the southern hemisphere. During a year, it lives beside a family that cares for it and feeds it. The year’s seasons advance, the sheep grows and starts observing the reality that surrounds it: nature, ancestral rites, animal sacrifices, and also the police violence that the Chilean state exerts against the Mapuche people. Faced with all of this, the sheep, filled with rage and hatred, decides to rebel from its condition of sheep and from having to be part of a confused, violent, and sick human society. Winter arrives again, and with it a new Wiñol Tripantu. An ancestral tradition of those lands is that of eating coagulated blood from a freshly-sacrificed animal, a dish commonly known as Ñachi.
About the Playwright
Nicolás Bascuñán studied at the UC School of Theater and Playwrighting at the UAHC. In his years of study, he wrote: Dios (2002), El programa más entretenido de la televisión chilena (2003) and El sí mama (2004). In 2006, he created the band Anarkía Tropikal, touring Chile and Latin America. There, he made the documentary La rueda de la cumbia, about the origins of this rhythm. Since 2010, he has officiated as a Cumbia DJ at different parties in the country and Latin America. Since 2013, he has worked directly with indigenous communities on the continent with the organization “Raíces de la Tierra”. In 2020, his text A.C.A.B. was selected for “Dramaturgias del Encierro” by Fundación Teatro a Mil, and he also did the sound design for Isabel desterrada en Isabel of Juan Radrigán. In 2021, his text Lxs Zen-Kapuchadxs was selected for the Juan Radrigán Festival, and he created the sound design for Justicia by María José Pizarro.
Dominga Hoffens
Felipe Vásquez-Encamilla
Pablo Concha