Pride Celebration 2021

¡Queertástico! - A Virtual Variety Show Celebrating PRIDE

Curated by: Gama Valle

Hashtag: #IATIPride, #Pride2021

Illustration by: Alan Armendariz

Hosted by: Castrata

Date: Sunday, June 20, 2021

Language: English & Spanish

Location: Online (Zoom and FB Live)

Website: Facebook Event


The LGBTQ+ community is, like life itself, diverse, evolving, and thriving. A community of artists that has enriched for decades the works shown at IATI Theater.

From the early 80s, when IATI Theater became the first Latino company to raise funds to help victims during the AIDS epidemic, our company has for long go hand in hand with the LGBTQ+ community, raising awareness, fighting for equality, and most importantly, serving as a platform for minorities to share their voices and stories.

Luckily, times have changed, but our efforts to promote diversity and raise social awareness are as strong as the first day. That’s why in celebration of Pride Month, IATI Theater is offering a platform to a diverse group of LGBTQ+ artists to invite us to visit their imaginations and be part of their stories.

In 2021, we bring a new format to our Pride Celebration, as part of our Inclusivity Fiestas Program. This year, we're celebrating cabaret style, ¡Queertástico!

Join us on June 20th for an afternoon of puro Pride.  Our line-up is fantástico.

Come check us out!


The Artists


Milonga on E. 4th Street


Cimientos 2021